The cheapest logo design in Kenya is a DIY logo, aka Do It Yourself logo. The term describe everything, it is a logo that you create it yourself using the free logo design platform out there.
This is the most reasonable way you can get a professional designed logo in Kenya for Free.
But of course if you are logo designer yourself or you sleep with one you can get a professionally designed logo for free.
For everyone else that doesn’t have the privilege of being a designer or sleeping with one here are platforms to use to have a free designed DIY logo
The other important component in designing and getting a free logo design or the cheapest logo design (the only cost is your time) is a small software called lightshot.
Lightshot can be downloaded here
Lightshot allow taking of clear screenshots of your working on any software or browser.
Steps of getting the cheapest logo design in Kenya
- Design your logo to your satisfaction on any of the following platforms
- Preview your design – to final step (at this step all the above platform will require you to pay for your logo.)It is recommended you pay so that you support those businesses to continue being innovative
- If you are not able to pay. Click the PrtSC button to launch lightshot software and take a screenshot of your logo, crop precisely and save as PNG.
- You have your cheapest logo design in Kenya.!