Last updated on October 31st, 2022 at 01:39 pm
Most Secure SSL Certificates
SSL Certificate are designed to create truest between a website owner and a website visitor through a credible third party called certification authority – who is supposed to issue SSL certificate after performing due diligence and validation.
Most secure SSL certificates are from the most compliant certification authority.
Previously Symantec was the outright most secure ssl certificate issuer, however following two confrontation with Google on procedures and issuance of SSL certificate without following the industry standards and regulations – Symantec has lost some level of trust.
Currently most secure SSL certificates could be
Largest SSL Certification Authority. Reputed for following due process while issuing SSL certificate. Based in United States, founded in England.
Owned by an group of top banks in the world including Citi Bank, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, ABN AMRO, among others. With exposure to financial systems and risks, IdenTrust is trusted by their customers to provide most secure SSL certificates for the banking websites and applications.
DigiCert is a US based Certification authority formed in 2003.
DigiCert has one of the best record of issuing most secure SSL certificate.
Digicert basically provides organization validated (OV) and Extended Validated (EV) SSL certificates. It doesn’t offer domain validated SSL certificates.
In 2017 DigiCert acquired Symantec public Key infrastructure, TLS /SSL business including Certification Authority SSL brands RapidSSL, Thawte, Verign and GeoTrust.
Godaddy provides SSL Certficates to more than 7 percent of market. It has been following due process while issuing the SSL certificate and therefore it has one of the most secure SSL certificates.
GlobalSign is a Certification Authority founded in Belgium in 1996, which provides a wide variety of identification services. With time Globalsign has complied with set out industry standards and therefore issues secure SSL certificates. Globalsign is a subsidiary of a Japanese company.
A Poland based Certification Authority that has been issuing SSL certificates for a long period, it has a good history of compliance.
A Texas, US based cyber Security Company that provides identity management, digital signatures, SSL certificates, fraud detection technology and mobile authentication.
It has a good track record of compliance to industry standards and regulations – therefore secure SSL certificates
US based company. It is the second largest Certification Authority that has been affected by controversy on compliance in the recent past.
Let’s Encrypt
A new SSL Certification Authority that has great potential and new approach of issuing domain validated SSL certificate.